Kansas City skyline

Pros & Cons of Living in Kansas City

As a loyal Kansas Citian, there are so many things I love about living in this area! KC is a wonderful place to call home, no matter your living situation. Whether you’re on your own, living with roommates, finding a place to raise your family, or looking for a place to retire, Kansas City has some great options that ideal for everyone.

Since I’ve been a longtime resident of the KC area, I know what’s great about the area but there are also some things that need improvement. This blog will cover some of the most noteworthy Pros and Cons of living in the Kansas City metro area.

“If you would like a more detailed review of my “Pros & Cons,” check out my full YouTube video here!”

Pro #1 – Cost of Living

Kansas City is a very affordable metro area compared with many other large cities in the US. In fact, your dollar goes twice as far in Kansas City as it does in Los Angeles. That means a house that’s listed at $500,000 in our metro area might be worth around $1 Million in LA! Pretty crazy, right!? If you want affordability, KC is a great place to call home.

Con #1 – The Lack of Outdoor Activities

Living in the Midwest, you know that most of the land is pretty flat since we’re close to the Great Plains region. We don’t have mountains, beaches, the ocean, or many lakes nearby, which means Kansas City is lacking in fun outdoor activities compared to other major cities. The good thing is, if you know where to look, there are some great walking trails, parks, and smaller lakes within the metro area or just a short drive away.

Pro #2 – The Midwest Culture

This is something that we locals take for granted sometimes. All you have to do is travel to another major city on the east coast or west coast, and you’ll find that people aren’t nearly as friendly there. Here in the Midwest, you’ll see complete strangers greeting each other as they walk by. You’ll also see immense pride in being from Kansas City. Many Kansas Citians are avid sports fans, enjoy local events, and happily showcase their KC roots.

Con #2 – Late Winter in Kansas City

After the holiday season concludes in Kansas City, winter can seem to drag on forever. Luckily, the Chiefs keep us entertained throughout much of January for the last few years, but February is rough around here. The bitter cold and lack of activities in the city can make February quite a challenge. On a positive note, once March gets here, we’ll have the Big XII Tournament, March Madness, Royals baseball, and spring weather to look forward to.

Pro #3 – The Weather

Besides late winter, Kansas City has an overall mild climate for most of the year. If you love all four seasons, Kansas City is a great place for you. We have a beautiful spring season, hot summers so you can enjoy time at the pool or lake, gorgeous fall weather for football games, and a very festive early winter to get ready for the holidays. We enjoy every season here in Kansas City!

Con #3 – Public Transportation

Nearly any Kansas Citian will tell you that this is one of the biggest issues with the city. Kansas City is very “spread out,” so public transportation doesn’t seem to work well here compared to other cities. We do offer a metro bus service and the Kansas City StreetCar, which navigates through some portions of Downtown KC, but overall, our public transportation needs a lot of work.

Pro #4 – The City is Very Drivable

As I mentioned earlier, Kansas City is very spread out, making it a very drivable community. You must have a car to get around Kansas City, but the good news is, our traffic is typically not too bad when compared to other major metropolitan areas. There are a few spots to avoid during rush hour, but once you get familiar with the city, you’ll find alternate routes that can help you get around the city much quicker.

Con #4 – KCI Airport

I’ll start with the good news; we are getting a new airport in Kansas City! Trust me; it is much needed. Our current airport is small, has minimal shops, very few restaurants, and is very outdated compared to other major airports. Its location is also a challenge; KCI is in the Northland, which is at least 20-25 minutes away from downtown KC. The new airport is scheduled to open sometime in 2023 and will be a welcomed upgrade for Kansas City.

Pro #5 – Great for Travelers

If you are constantly traveling for work or love to take vacations, Kansas City is a great place to call home. Since we’re located in the middle of the US, you can fly to many places throughout the country in about three hours or less! Kansas City is the ideal place to call home if you are constantly on the go.

I hope this list helps you with your decision to move to Kansas City. As you can see, there are some cons to living in KC, but that’s true for any city. I’m here to tell you that there are so many more Pros that I didn’t get to cover, like the food, nightlife, major events, concert venues, and more! I can tell you all about it!

Contact me, Rach the Realtor, for all your real estate needs in Kansas City. You can reach me at (816) 673-9723 or send me an email at Rachel.kilmer@reecenichols.com. I look forward to chatting with you soon!

Ready to make the move? Contact Rach to set up a time to chat about the next steps!

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Rachel Ferguson

Rach Kilmer

Putting Down Roots in Kansas City
Learn about Putting Down Roots in Kansas City on a May airing of House Hunters on HGTV.

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